Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Synagogue Without Walls? An Adaptable Alternative Model to Synagogue Affiliation

What is a synagogue? A brick and mortar building? Or is something that goes beyond four walls?
Over the last several months, the Synagogue Leadership Initiative has been on a journey with congregational leaders, talking about innovation and change. Part of that journey has been to explore different models of synagogue dues and affiliation. We’ve looked at free will dues, fair share dues, an investor model of affiliating, and most recently a tapas model with Rabbi Adina Lewittes, Founder of Sha’ar Communities.

Sha’ar is based on a synagogue model, but without walls and without typical membership. It is a model that Rabbi Lewittes says is replicable, even within the constructs of a typical synagogue building.

“The vast majority of Jews are not joining synagogues, not sending their children to day schools, not joining a JCC. More than 50% of the Jews in Bergen County are unaffiliated and, therefore, off the grid. I envisioned a pluralistic approach, multiple gates where people can enter Jewish life and Jewish affiliation,” said Rabbi Lewittes.

How Sha’ar Works
Sha’ar, which means “gates” in Hebrew, offers multiple levels of connection. Each self-standing gate or community has its own membership, leadership, and fee for service structure. The Gate of Prayer offers music-filled and meaningful Shabbat and holiday services. The Gate of Study has weekly classes, combining Jewish sources with modern insights, and educational programming for youth is through the Gate of Tomorrow. For those interested in the hands-on, multi-generational social activism, there is a Gate of Repair. The Gate of Discovery lets participants have interactive Jewish learning experiences through travel. Elisha’s Gate of Wholeness and Healing provides creative ritual and spiritual fellowship for moments of change and transition. The newest offering is the Virtual Gate, web-based Jewish programming for those without access to communities.

Rabbi Lewittes shared the story of two of her congregants—Gene and Rita Sklar. Ria was raised in a traditional Orthodox Jewish home, while Gene was raised in the Jewish socialist movement. Though Ria was familiar with rhythm of Jewish life that would typically bring one to a synagogue, Gene was not. Together they felt that the routine of Jewish life ensconced in the synagogue wasn’t for them.

While they wanted to express their Jewish identity, for many years they felt themselves on the periphery of Jewish life, searching for a place where that could help them raise their children to achieve the same level of commitment and passion they had for Judaism. “Sadly for many years, they felt there was no place for them,” said Rabbi Lewittes.

Ria and Gene discovered Sha’ar’s Gate of Study, which led to their becoming active in the Gate of Discovery. Several years later, Gene is now Sha’ar’s Chairman of the Board and Ria is its Secretary.

“I am not advocating that we all abandon our synagogues,” said Rabbi Lewittes. “What we have built is an alternative, complementary model of Jewish community, providing different portals to Jewish life. Sha’ar is committed to providing top quality Jewish content and experience. We are committed to saying that we validate the particular path that you travel to cultivate your Jewish identity. If this what you do, if this is all that you do, and put your heart and soul into it, then dayenu.”

Financial and structural concerns
As with traditional synagogues, Sha’ar relies on a Board of trustees, volunteers, and one part time staff administrator.

“The ideal model is also one in which each gate has its own chair, but we are still working to reach that ideal,” admitted Rabbi Lewittes. “One of the hard parts of this model is that because it's based on choice, how do you cultivate responsibility?”

In addition, though each gate has a fee for service (The Gate of Prayer, for example, costs $1,200 for a family), the fees are not enough to fully sustain the entire structure. The rabbi is not a full-time salaried employee, but rather draws a fee from the activities. “I am not compensated for all the time I put in,” said Rabbi Lewittes.

And then there is the matter of building community, something most traditional synagogues generally excel at. When you connect through one gate, how do you remind them they are part of something larger?

What’s replicable?
What can we import from Sha’ar’s structure to traditional a synagogue? “People want to be Jewish, want a Jewish experience, but don't necessarily want the religiosity that comes with a denomination, or the building,” said Rabbi Lewittes. That being said, she maintains this is a replicable model.

“It requires synagogues to rethink what membership look like. In a typical synagogue, this is what it costs to be part of the community regardless of what services you partake. If synagogues want to create affordability and tap into the 21st century notion of choice, they need to create a system that allows for it.”

Rabbi Lewittes maintains that synagogues can also be creative in opening doors to Jewish life. “Perhaps it means offering complimentary or tiered membership. Are there ways to nurture someone who is seeking Jewish fulfillment without their joining the synagogue?

Creating alternative doors to Jewish life within the synagogue is another option. Some of these doors might be offered complimentary, without having to join the synagogue. “Our role is not just to create Jewish experiences, but to create Jewish life,” said Rabbi Lewittes.

The innovation needed to set up Sha’ar Communities required a great deal of thought and independence on part of Rabbi Lewittes. For such a model to be replicable, it would be important for congregational rabbis to have such freedom.

“I know of a whole new generation of rabbis who are prepared to work in an experimental model like Sha’ar, if made financially supportable,” said Rabbi Lewittes.

“Sha’ar looks to synagogues as co collaborators and partners in building the Jewish community,” said Rabbi Lewittes. “It really is one of the most exciting times to be a Jew.”

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